Mrs. Bouasavanh Khanthaphat Managing Director

areas of expertise
  • Health research
  • REDD (carbon credits)
  • Forestry
  • Education
  • Microfinance
  • Social safeguards
  • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from Rattana Business Administration College

After graduating from the Southern Forestry College in Community Forestry in 1994, Bouasavanh worked for five years as a Program Officer at Save the Children UK, mainly working on health and water related projects. She then took a position at the Vientiane Youth Development Centre, which led to her life-long interest in youth employment and adjustment issues.

Consultancies at several international organisations followed and from 2005 to 2007 she led the multi-million World Bank Community Development and village fund components of the Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project. After several more years developing skills in qualitative research for international organisations, in 2011 she founded the Lao Social Research company.

Initially totally occupied with the development of the young firm, now Laos’ best-known social research company, Bouasavanh soon returned to consulting, carrying out assignments for WB, ADB, Finnish Futures Institute, GIZ, DFAT, FAO, Helvetas, Plan, CARE etc in the areas of health research, REDD (carbon credits), forestry, education and microfinance.

Since 2019 Bouasavanh has been the WB’s social safeguards specialist (STC position) dealing with resettlement and risk management issues.

How can we help you?

You may contact us using our online form or telephone us.

“I want to say huge thanks to the LSR team, we would have never been able to keep up with all the project data without your services (and Anna’s support). It’s been great working together and I hope there will be more opportunities in the future.”

Laura Pineiro
Chief Technical Adviser, LuxDev - Skills for Tourism Project (LAO/029)