Mrs. Christi Lane-Barlow Health Sector Specialist

areas of expertise
  • Health and Social Research
  • Vaccine outreach
  • Evaluations
  • Canada

Christi Lane-Barlow MSc is a Canadian Epidemiologist working on health and social research in Laos and Vietnam since 2009. During the pandemic, she worked for the Centers for Disease Control in the US, leading a team of epidemiologists for emergency response. She has extensive experience leading teams in Laos and Vietnam conducting large household and facility-based surveys and mixed methods assessment for UNFPA, and Clinton Health Access Initiative, and has conducted evaluations, baseline, midline and endline surveys for World Bank, Plan International, Care International, Save the Children, World Vision and other agencies working to improve health and nutrition in Laos. Her past roles with WHO involved reviewing hospital documentation in Laos and conducting studies in Vietnam on TB pricing and pharmacovigilance systems. As Country Representative for Burnet Research Institute in Laos, she provided hands-on exposure to the implementation of vaccine outreach programs and the management of childhood immunization.

How can we help you?

You may contact us using our online form or telephone us.

“I want to say huge thanks to the LSR team, we would have never been able to keep up with all the project data without your services (and Anna’s support). It’s been great working together and I hope there will be more opportunities in the future.”

Laura Pineiro
Chief Technical Adviser, LuxDev - Skills for Tourism Project (LAO/029)