Mr. Samuel Waelty Social Research Specialist

areas of expertise
- Poverty reduction
- Sustainable development
- Market access
- Income generation
Samuel Waelty has wide experience in social research in Indonesia, India and Switzerland and as an evaluation consultant, most recently for UNDP and FAO. After teaching development studies including development research at two Swiss universities he joined the Swiss foreign service as Deputy Head of Evaluation of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). He later headed the Swiss Cooperation Office first in Kosovo and later in Vietnam. The programs had a strong focus on poverty reduction and sustainable development; market access and income generation for the rural poor; local governance and public administration reform; private sector/MSME development; forestry, agriculture and animal husbandry. Samuel has experience in the private sector and social enterprises: His regional focus is Eastern Europe and CIS, Asia, particularly Southeast Asia. He communicates fluently in English, French, German and Indonesian and he has basic knowledge of Albanian and Vietnamese.
“I want to say huge thanks to the LSR team, we would have never been able to keep up with all the project data without your services (and Anna’s support). It’s been great working together and I hope there will be more opportunities in the future.”