Water Supply Sanitation Sector Project – multiple social surveys in small and large towns as part of Feasibility Studies for ADB Water Supply systems
Impact Assessment/Endline Survey (4 provinces)- Qualitative Survey and comparative and analytical report
Baseline Survey: McGovern-Dole and WFP supported Food for Education (FFE) Program in Laos
Triaging the Extreme Poor in Lao PDR, a qualitative and quantitative study in four provinces.
Baseline Survey for LURAS – Lao Upland Rural Advisory Service
Micro-finance options study and review
Project Feasibility Study in Mok District, Xiengkhouang Province, Lao PDR
Final Evaluation for Strengthening Equal Access to Education in Thathom District, Xaysomboun Province
Livelihood Opportunities and Nutritional Gains (LONG) Project Baseline study in Savannakhet and Huaphan Provinces. Joint venture with Indochina Research Lao Company (IRL)
Evaluate Extension Phase of National Geographical Development Service.
CLIPAD – Conduct Baseline Survey and Establish Database Program for Huameuang and Xamneua District, Houaphan Province
Fullerton Financial Holdings- India Microfinance baseline study Microfinance baseline study in 3 regions of Lao PDR. Joint venture with Indochina Research Lao Company (IRL) Company overview Company history Local Staff Specialist Company presentation How can we help you? You may contact us using our online form or telephone us. contacts “I want to say huge
Small Voice Big Dreams 2013 annual survey – photography, 100 in-depth interviews, 3 case studies, and 3 focus group discussion with primary school children in Nonghet district, Xiengkhouang province
Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project-Social and Economic baseline survey in Luangnamtha and Bokeo Province – ADB/PPTA–8150–Laos
Healthy Model Village – End line survey and Project completion evaluation in Houaphan and Xiengkhouang Province. Joint venture with Indochina Research Lao Company (IRL)
Rural Access Improvement Project along East-West Economic Corridor- Social and Economic baseline survey in Savannakhet and Salavan Province – ADB/PPTA–7728 Laos
Baseline study for Poverty Reduction Fund II in Phongsali, Oudomxay, Luangprabang and Attapeu Provinces. Joint venture with
Indochina Research Lao Company (IRL)
School WASH Program for ethnic minority and mountainous area — baseline study in 6 provinces: Luangnamtha, Phongsali, Khammouane, Savannakhet, Salavan and Attapeu Province
World Bank Lao PDR – Lao Garments Sector Firm Survey – Labour Practices and Productivity – qualitative research in Vientiane Capital, Vientiane Province and Savannakhet Province. Joint venture with Indochina Research Lao Company (IRL)
Toyota Takata Research and Enhancement in the Lao PDR
Endline quantitative survey of 6 year intervention in Northern Laos. Panel interviews of selected households originally interviewed in 2014.
Baseline study in three provinces for planned nutrition intervention focusing on ethnic group households.
Gender Study for WB’s Health and Nutrition Access to Services project. Involved interviewing senior staff of Min. Of Health at National and provincial levels to develop a Gender Action Plan.
Civil Registrations project baseline survey – 3,000 households across the nation.
Research on Career Choices for Labour Insertion and Retention in the Tourism / Hospitality Sector
Sustainable Rural Infrastructure and Watershed Management Sector Project. Measurement study (PMS) and preparation of an Inventory of Losses for each affected household and of community land affected.
Monitoring, data collection, and data entry for Luxdev flagship project in Lao PDR – Skills for Tourism
Activities include skills and employer satisfaction surveys, data monitoring, data system management.
Study of reasons for children dropping out of school before graduation. Qualitative Study in 5 provinces using FGDs and IDIs.
Household survey on Baby WASH and nutrition behaviors in 4 provinces of Lao PDR – Xiengkhouang, Houaphan, Phongsaly, and Oudomxay; Approximately 600 households covering behavior determinants
Support for the Implementation of the RAP and EGEP for 13 North Road Section. Design and management of online data registration system.
Biennial resettlers survey – detailed household consumption and expenditure survey for 1,600 affected HHs in Borikhamxay Province.
Youth and labour Survey – a comprehensive household labour force and youth school to work transitions survey across three regions – North, South and Central – plus Vientiane Capital in Lao PDR. Approx. 3,500 interviews undertaken with large team of enumerators.
Trade Students Survey – TVET survey of current and former students in four provinces.
Study on Disability – Key Informant Interviews, Focus Group Discussions, reporting and analysis on the Gender Aspects of PWD policy and Practice in Lao PDR. A
Social and Economic Study – in association with LCG Ltd – multiple surveys of households, businesses, public properties affected by the proposed widening of the road. Over 5,000 households
Social survey services to the PRF Village Nutrition Centre impact evaluation, including coding, data cleaning and survey.
Revision of Gender Guidelines for the Poverty Reduction Fund (Poverty Reduction Fund/World Bank)
Beneficiary Assessment for LURAS program.
Data collection in 159 schools in 2 regions of Lao PDR – to support impact assessment review of School Feeding meals combined with or without WASH activities in Lao PDR (World Food Program Laos Joint contract with Enterprise Development Company Laos)
LCG Ltd – ADB Water Supply Sector Project – Tablet based Social/Economic Surveys in ten towns In Lao PDR – codify questionnaires for tablet use, carry out randomized household surveys in Bolikhamxai, Xayabury, Attapeu and Sekong
Environmental vulnerability, social resilience and multi- scale governance project- Carry out qualitative research on Xebangfai River and Mekong basin (Department of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki and Forestry Faculty, National University of Laos)
ASIA 2016 Hydro Power Conference – Raise awareness about the event with other ministries and relevant institutions in Lao PDR.
Mid-line evaluation of WFP flagship project on school feeding.
ILO pilot on green jobs – Measuring green jobs and skills in the tourism industry and sustainable coffee value chain in Lao PDR.
Toyota Takata Research and Enhancement in the Lao PDR
Endline Study – CTIP (Countering Trafficking in Persons) Project
Support for Social Safeguards for Technical and Benefit Assessment on PRF 3 project
Endline Assessment of Vocational Education Support Project
Support services for ADB TRTA Xaisomboun Water Supply and Sanitation Feasibility Study
GEDSI inputs into: Integrated Multimodal Transport Strategy for Laos and the Northern Region
Study of youth-oriented services offered by Plan in Lao PDR & recommendations for improvement
Resettlers Survey – survey of 1600 resettler families in Bolikhamxai and Xaisomboun
Public Information Awareness Services for Vulnerable Communities in Lao PDR – Baseline Study
Farm Voices – interviews with coffee farmers in Bolaven area – using significant challenge methodology
Baseline KAP Survey and Baseline Qualitative Survey for new USAID Mother and Child Health Project
Data Collection for Nutrition Status Evaluation – ongoing monthly quantitative survey – with 2150 respondents randomly selected each month
Water Supply Sanitation Sector Project – multiple social surveys in small and large towns as part of Feasibility Studies for ADB Water Supply systems
Endline Tracer Study – Vocational Training and Support Services Project
The Integrated Conservation of Biodiversity and Forests Project (ICBF) – Endline Survey and Assessment
Country GESI Specialist for P4I project
Flood and Drought Mitigation and Management Sector Project – FGDs with landowners and Social and Economic Survey
Responsible Governance in Land Policy Project Capacity Development Expert
Evaluation Specialist – Sustainable Management of watersheds in the Lower Mekong Basin Project (SUMALOM Nam Ton)
SCALING is a major nutrition focused set of interventions operating in 4 northern provinces since 2017, and managed by a consortium of four international NGOs.
Research in 7 provinces directed by a consortium of international NGOs into the drivers of early marriage and teen pregnancy. The study is expected to contribute to the development of national government policy to reduce the incidence of pregnancies in girls under 18.
Baseline Study for the Integrated Program for Climate Resilience and Empowerment in Attapeu Baseline Study using qualitative and quantitative methods to establish start of project conditions in Health, Agriculture, irrigation and Community Resilience.
Monitoring, data collection, and data entry for Luxdev flagship project in Lao PDR – Skills for Tourism
Activities include skills and employer satisfaction surveys, data monitoring, data system management.